Julie's site

I am a Student at Wellesley College, I play with this site from time to time

honestly, I'm not sure why I bother

^this is a picture of me when I was in Naples Italy.

project graduation pics

prom pics and other random ones

Running across a dark meadow under the stars

Gain speed
be not afraid to fall
hit the ground
mother earth
with your head in the clouds
your eyes on the stars
Branches of gold whip across my face
but I don't care
I'm free to fly
As fast as I wish

© Julie Wright 2001

*sob* ain't it purdy?
NOTE: This poem won some recognition at poetry.com

More about me.
Wizards of Natumn Onitul
The Poetry Corner
Econoslide (Dad's product)
Wat Inc. (Dad's company)

This page is brand new, but who knows how long it will last? That is at the whim of the Chemistry department. I expect it will be gone by 2002 or sooner

click here to see yet another of my myriad pages.

© 2001 jwright@wellesley.edu