When the world goes against me...

You say I will be nothing
I say when was the last time you were something?
You say my hard work will never pay off
I say when was the last time you worked for something?
You will always try to bring me down
I will always fight to bring myself up
You will always try to make  yourself look good
I will always try to make myself unseen
You will always find the easy way out
I will always have to take the hard exit
You will never see the real me
I am tired of seeing the real you
You say dreams are nothing
I say dreams are everything
You say love is not real
I say I feel love everyday
You say there is no god
I say some things aren't what you want
You said that there's no point to life
and I say that's why you are the way you are
By Carly Ann Osborn
