Welcome to My Site

This is my personal homepage, thank you all for wasting your time visiting!! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I making it.

Now you might wonder what the heck is my page all about. Well it's about me, me, and me! Please don't get confused yet, let's just go have a look what we have here.

My Favorites...My favorties...My favorites...My favorties...My favorites

Harry PotterHarry Potter is the top of my favorite things. If you are interested just click at the picture, if you are not, just click at the picture!!! so you will find out why it is so AWESOME.




Doraemon is also my favorite thing. For those who have never heard of it, Doraemon is a japanese cartoon character in a cartoon with the same title. It is a sci-fi cartoon in my opinion. So if you wanna see my page dedicated to Doraemon just click


My Info...My Info...My Info...My Info...My Info

Please click if you wanna know about me and my friends.

I Know that my page is not very good but who cares? I'm just doing it for fun anyway.

If you have any suggestion or whatever please contact me at jane_20250@yahoo.com

Or ICQ#12658382