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December 14, 2001
Whelp guys, tomorrow is the big 20 for me! Hahahaha! No big deal just another day. I guess we all get to that age some day when your birthday is just another day. LOL! Or maybe it happens when your parents forget your 18th birthday. Oh well, no reason in dwelling on the past. Enjoy the Music that I have put up. It's a great song by John Reuben, a Christian rapper.
My Poems to my love
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Sad Poems

If you would like to see your poem up here, e-mail me with your poem included. I'll put it up right away. And also tell me if you want me to include your name when putting up your poem. Thank you very much. I hope to see lots of responses.
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Music By: John Reuben
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Whisper me sometime I'm Lucious