Hi! I'm Leila. Welcome to my page! I'm 23 and live in Chicago. I have a little apartment and I work tech support. People call in with problems, and I help them. In my free time, I draw and I write some poetry. It isn't very good, but I like it. :P

I was born on December 25, 1977, so I'm a Christmas baby! My parents were glad, though, because then they could use me as a tax write-off for the entire year. The downside is that everyone mushes together my birthday and Christmas. :(

Here I am at my parent's place waaaaay out in the middle of nowhere. It's an old farmhouse, and it's pretty neat! There's all new (ish) construction around it, though. Once there was corn as far as the eye could see... but it's all suburbs now.
Me at the beach!
Me out and about.
Me in the morning. Eek!
Misc. Photos
Me dressed up.
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