Things about me u might wana know i think!
1.) Sex?.....yes please,(male) 2.) Hair?.....brown 3.) Eyes?.....brown 4.) Weight?.....129lbs 5.) Tan?.....yes 6.) Single?........yes; tits!!!!.....j/k. they cant be boreing to talk to or hang around with and also they have to love me! LOL........hehehe=) 8.) Grade?.....11th 9.) Born?.....11/14/82 10.)Drive?.....yes, a 91 chev. blazer S-10 11.) am i cool?..... hell yeah, at least my mom said i was, hehe 12.) who i love?..... ummmmm? 13.) Do i work?..... yeah, at an animal hospital 14.) am i sweet?...... yep, all the girls luv me i think! 15.)School?.....sux!!!!!.....Cintenial high school 16.) pets?..... i've got 4 dogs, 1cat, 3 snakes and 1 rat 17.) longest relationship?......CLASIFIED! 18.) fav. sport?...... none 19.) do i have a nice body?.....i think so, umm yeah and its getting nicer 20.) fav. food?..... everything but pork, steak, chicken, and vegtables 21.) fav. animal?...... girls when there wild 22.) fav. color?.....blue, purpled, black, yellow, red and sky blue