Icemansmith's Homepage
My New Orleans Interview
My Favorite Links:
Bourbocam (New Orleans Webcam)
The Personal Stuff
I've played drums since I was 12 years old. I'm 52 years old (11/04).  I've  performed with Crofthanger, Brass Tax, Lansing Jazz Ensemble, and Fast Eddie (Lansing, MI), Lamplight, Yesterday's Gospel, Matthew's House and I've also played for many stage and musical performances through-out the Maple Valley, Bellevue and Hastings areas. The newest band is called Goldrush. Email me for a demo CD. I ride motorcycle with my wife Silver. We've been married 28 years. We have two sons and 3 granddaughters. I like to golf and do just about anything in summer-like weather. The picture at the top left of the page is me being interviewed on the Bourbocam, on Bourban St. in New Orleans. I'm the one without the microphone. Three friends and I rode our motorcycles 1150 miles to get there (July, 2002). Then we had to ride 1150 miles to get home. We have 1 cat (Koko) and 1 dog (Curlie Sue).

I made my 5th motorcycle ride to NO this summer. The biggest thing I heard while there was thanks for coming to visit. Go back and tell people we need tourists. The Quarter is relatively good shape. Many shops/restaurants are operating on reduced schedules but what's nice is you are treated very well and you don't have to wait much... Go down and visit...
If you look toward the hotel, in the middle of the street, you can see the four of us in New Orleans. I'm wearing the Coca Cola T-Shirt (2nd from the left in the group of four).
One of my favorite sayings is, "Life goes on; somewhere!"
The weather in my part of the country