








THL Jacques and
Master Seamus
Thegn Charles Sir Bryon and
Sir Trude
HRM Phelan
and Amirah,
Baron Egan and
Baroness Meadhbh

Hail and Well Met from the Mountains of Thunder! There are about 80 members in this local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA), an educational organization for people with an interest in medieval history. Our meetings are held twice monthly in Sierra Vista, Arizona, and fighter practices are held weekly. Newcomers and visitors are always welcome; please see the Calendar for details on where & when we can be found. Please look around the website and feel free to e-mail any comments or questions you may have to the Seneschal or the Web Minister.

The Baronial elist is available through Yahoo Groups. Click HERE for more information.

The Fiber Festival is coming! 16 May 09
Click here for the flyer.

Strong Oak Upcoming Events

The Strong Oak Historical Society is our sister organization at Cochise College.
It is due to our association with them that we are able to use the college for meetings
at NO COST. Please join your Baron & Baroness in supporting Strong Oak!
Tuesday, 28 Apr 09
7:00 PM
Room 900
Cochise College


This is the Recognized Web Page for the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA). It is not a corporate publication of the SCA, and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version. The only official sources of Baronial information are the Southwind and the Thunderbolt newsletters.

Last Updated 16 March 2009
Investiture/Baronial Anniversary photos courtesy of Lady Aasni.
Photos of Estrella War XXI courtesy of Padre Quinto.
Web Minister
Lady Joscelin du Lyons

Deputy Web Minister
Lord Baldric der Krieger