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Term 1 2001 Kyckstart Term 2 Term 3 Term 4



Friday Night Program for Term 1, 2001.

Term 1 Planner, 2000.

Mike's Last Night Sept 2000.

Houseparty-Sept 2000.

Kyckstart 2000.

REAL DEAL Feb 2000 Photos .

New stuff planned for 2000.

Review Previous Programs and events .

See what Dave Hilton's up to .

Years 7 - 9 ?? .

2002 Almost Over....What, me worry?

HouseParty 2000 Photos...

SPEW is a youth group catering for people in senior high school (years 10-12) and recent school leavers. It is run on Friday nights during the school term from 7.30pm - 10.00pm at St Paul's Church, Seaforth (at the roundabout) There's a good chance we will go to someone's house for coffee until 11.30-12.00 pm, naturally people can be picked up earlier.

We aim to present and discuss relevant issues related to the Christian faith in an environment that is safe, fun and friendly. We try to mix up the program with band nights, and other stuff that seems like a good idea at the time.

If parents are wanting to contact the group at any time during the night, Simon will have his mobile phone. The number is 0402-243-053.

If you have never been to SPEW before, relax. New people are always welcome. We're interested in hearing what you think.

Stuff You Can Do
At any time


Really Compelling Reasons To Believe

Be heard in the SPEW Forum / Chat(when scheduled)

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Kate 9400-4655 Will 9949-4621


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