Mat's Crazy Experiment

I Can Do It!!

I love testing out my skills in all areas. Growing up in an ever changing environment has only intensified my quest for knowledge. I am new at this but I am an extremely quick learner. I learned all this today.
Now, HTML basics aren't that tough. I have a few friends who are good with it and I have a very nice book to help me along. Even though the HTML you want me to learn might be more advanced, I am a very quick learner and I thrive on tough situations. I seem to get bored quickly if I am not challenged. That is why I think I could be a valuable asset to the Accenture team.

Random Musings

UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! Hey everyone. It has been a tumultuous last few months but somehow I have come out happier, forty pounds lighter, and with a job. I am, for the time being, a manager at the FYE in the Carousel Mall in Syracuse, NY. I finally am working. Even though the money isn't great, my spirit is renewed and I get to work with music, which brings me great joy. I thank you all for your prayers and love that you have sent me. I found some new friends in my co-workers that have supported me and made my life fun again (you all know who you are). I will be forever grateful for that. I also have my old reliable Silver Bay friends. For the last seven years, you have been my best friends. Even Wehn we don't talk for months at a time and some don't return phone calls (I love you Super Bell), you still are there right when I need you with just what I need. Very soon I will be adding my songs onto this page. I had one of them published in poem form, so now I am a published author! Hopefully, if all works out I will be recorded by the end of the summer. I need to run but email me and sign my guestbook!

You can be a conduit of change. People sometimes believe that they have no chance of making a difference in this world. Everyone can do their part. Be the focal point and create something much bigger than anyone can imagine...

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