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Daniel Troppy was born in 1963 in the small town of Lasara Texas, population under 500 people. Daniel is a self taught artist with no training or schooling. He was never surrounded by art, nor he had any desire to be an artist. It was 11 years ago that he started seing images that would appear to him in things that he will collect, like old chair parts or table legs, old tin cans, pain can lids and old pieces of wood. Things that people would throw away were the things that he wanted to save. It got to a point where he had collected so much he started seeing images in things, he started seeing people. His imagination started to run wild and images started to flow out of him, and that's when he picked up a hammer !

Mr. Dave
Mr.Dave 1992
Capture II
Capture II
24x24 (1998)
Capture III
Capture III
24x24 (1998)
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