"Does That Blue Moon Ever Shine On You"......by Toby Keith
Hello!! My name is Sherri and I live in Southeastern Ohio along the Ohio River. I am married to an over the road truckdriver. I have a 24 year old son and he has a son that was born on February 18 2005 whose name is Anthony Aiden. I am 48 years old and proud of it. I graduated from Gallipolis Career College in 2004 with an Associates Degree of Applied Business in Computer Applications Technology and an Associates Degree of Applied Business in Computer Applications Technology with a Major in Technical Support Specialist. I am now attending Rio Grande University & Community College for an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Information Technology with a minor in Support Services. I have profiles on Classmates.com, Reunion.com as well as Myspace, Facebook and Tagged. I also have a message on the message board on Reunion.com looking for long lost friends of the early 1970's in Fairborn Ohio. I am a Toby Keith fan. I am a Gemini. I am a very trusting person and always like to see the best in everyone.I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I also believe that if God wanted us all to be the same he would have made us that way. It's what's on the inside of a person that matters anyway.I enjoy going to county fairs, going to the movies,spending time with friends and family,playing horseshoes,pool and bowling even though I'm not very good at them. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons because of the variety of colors.I love horses and think they are beautiful creatures.One day I would like to ride a train through the west and see the way this land should've been, untouched and uninhabited. In my spare time I love to read historical romance novels,listen to music from the 70's as well as country. I like Toby Keith, Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC and other artists of different music styles except for rap style.I like everything from Abba to ZZ Top.I also love these songs from these artists,Mark Wills "Back To One","I Want To Know" "Loving Every Minute" and "Jacob's Ladder". Toby Keith ( Let's Face It,Toby Doesn't Make A Bad Song) "Does That Blue Moon Ever Shine On You","How Do You Like Me Now","You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This","I Wanna Talk About Me","I'm Just Talkin About Tonight","My List","Courtesy Of The Red,White And Blue","Who's Your Daddy" "I Love This Bar",'American Soldier","Whiskey Girl". Lonestar's "I'm Already There","Amazed"," Not A Day Goes By","Smile" and Jessica Andrews "Unbreakable Heart" and "Karma".Sometimes I wish I had an unbreakable heart.I also like to watch VH1 country,CMT and GAC.I am a little shy when I meet new people. I like all kinds of movies except for the real scarry and gory types. Here are some of my favorites:All the Star Wars Movies,City of Angels,Ever After,You've Got Mail,Sleepy Hollow,Doctor Dolittle 1 & 2,Conair,Mortal Kombat movies,Dances With Wolves,The Rock,Dragonheart,First Knight,Robin Hood Prince of Thieves,Last of The
Mohicans,Wild Wild West,Tombstone,Last of the Dogmen,Silverado,Titanic,Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade,Highlander,Something To Talk About,Bad Boys II,MIB II, Pirates of the Carribean,Van Helsing, Constantine, The Replacements and many others.I love anything that stars Kevin Costner,Harrison Ford,Nicholas Cage,Sean Connery, Adrian Paul, Keanu Reeves and Will Smith.I like football which my favorite team is the Oakland Raiders and I also like the Steelers and the Jaguars.I also like NASCAR racing, my favorite drivers are Mark Martin,Dale Jarrett and Rusty Wallace.I also like Dale JR. I also like truck and tractor pulls as well as drag racing.
The kind of historical romance novels I love to read are about the untamed west of the 1800's. With cowboys and Indians, some time travel and some about the Civil War and medieval times.I have alot of favorite authors that are too numerous to list.But here are a few of my favorites,Cassie Edwards,Madeline Baker,Leigh Greenwood and Jodi Thomas.

Chubby Girls Make Better Lovers
by: Mitch Chase
It turns out Sandro Botticelli, who idealized plump females in numerous
Renaissance paintings, was right all along.
Although the Italian painter's fleshy forms may appear ludicrous to eyes
accustomed to svelte modern ideals, Nobel Prize-winning scientist James
Watson says Botticelli was correct in choosing chubby women to epitomize
femininity. Women who are well-rounded physically also have well-rounded
characters, he says, and are better in bed than their slender
It's a chemical matter. Extra fat in the body boosts the production of
endorphins -- natural mood-enhancing chemicals -- and also MSH, a hormone
that boosts sexual desire.
Thinner people, on the other hand, have low levels of these chemicals in
their systems, much to the detriment of their happiness -- and love lives.
"Who has ever heard of a happy supermodel?" Watson was quoted as saying in
article in last week's London Observer. "Thin equals discontent. Content
people have weight on them. That is why we hire thin people because they
discontent and will work harder. Heavier people are more mellow and less
The theory backs up ancient stereotypes, such as the frequent pairing up
the adjectives "fat" and "jolly"; the paranoid Julius Caesar's preference
least in Shakespeare's mind) for "men around me who are fat"; and literary
references to lean-faced bluestockings, suffragettes and modern-day
It also might explain the motives of Rumanika, a 19th century Central
king, in keeping a harem of obese women. English explorers thought he was
for having his wives force-fed milk to the point they could not stand
upright. Now it appears he was just over-sexed.
Coming at a time when health experts say Americans are chubbier than ever,
Watson's revelations should come as good news. He already credits
U.S. crime rates to increased obesity in America. Perhaps other changes in
social mores are in store.
For example, since the theory applies equally to men, women who buy their
husbands tight clothing to spur them to lose weight may instead get them
clothing a few sizes too large. ("If you stuck to your diet, you'd be able
fit into them, dear.") Music glorifying corpulent cuties might become
popular. (A possible future standby: "Put Your Two Chins a Little Closer
the Phone.") Who knows? Botticelli-style paintings might experience
rebirth, while fat farms and diet businesses like Weight Watchers go the
route of the eight-track tape.
That may be silly, but Watson is a serious scientist. A geneticist who was
jointly responsible for discovering the structure of DNA, he also directed
the successful human genome project.
He paints a rather grim picture for the thin of this world. "When you see
thin people together, you know they've got problems," was one of his
comments. Fortunately, though, all is not lost for those on the slender
of the spectrum.
Watson's advice: Hit the beach.
Production of MSH, the sexual desire hormone, also can be spurred by the
"The people who are the hottest sexually are fat white people who are
in the sun," he told the Observer. "I now really look at fat couples in a
totally different way."
So pass the suntan lotion ... and the potato salad.
For more of Mitch Chase,see
columnists/mitchchase/index.shtml Thank You.
Click on the BunnyMail Box to E-Mail Me... Hope to hear from ya Soon!

I also like to read quotes from lovingyou.com. Here are some of my favorites.
I don't take credit for these quotes,I just jotted down the ones I liked.
(1)"A woman's love is a man's privilege, not his right".
(2)"You found your love when you've found a home in a woman's heart".
(3)"Close together or miles apart we will always be heart to heart".
(4)"A man's heart will never be complete without a woman's love".
(5)"A man wants to be a woman's first while a woman wants to be a man's last".
(6)"Someday, somewhere, somehow...Me and You".
(7)"Being without you is like having half a soul".
(8)"I did three things today...miss you, miss you and miss you".
(9)"Just always remember that even when we are apart I will be missing you".
(10)"I'm not perfect, you're not perfect. But two people can be perfect together, perfect for each other".
(11)"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long .If we're in each other's dreams then we can be together all the time".
(12)"Love sneaks up on you like a gentle breeze caressing and enveloping you with it's warmth".
(13)"No matter where you go, however far away, a part of me will be with you and a part of you with me, will stay".
(14)"A kiss is it's own story that can only be told by the one receiving it".
(15)"Her lips on his could tell him better than all her stumbling words".
(16)"When I can't be with you...I touch you with my thoughts".
(17)"A part of you has grown in me, and so you see, it's you and me, forever and never to part, may be in distance but never in the heart".
(18)"Every minute without you is a minute of wasted time".
(19)"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart".
(20)"You are the stars in my wishing sky and I will wish on them every night you and I are apart, until we are together again".
(21)"In all the vastness of outer space there is none as lonely as the space which surrounds me without you".
(22)"You hold my soul's serenity in the palm of your hand, so treat it with care and gentleness".
(23)"A kiss is just another reminder that two heads are better than one".
(24)"Every time I feel your heartbeat it is a gentle reminder of the soul that lives within".
(25)"A million stars and a million dreams he is the only star I see and the only dream I dream".
(26)"There is no part of the body that when broken hurts as badly as the heart".
(27)"Emptiness isn't loneliness, it's the missing of you".
(28)"There is one pain I often feel which you'll never know. It's cause, the absence of you".
(29)"When you kiss me without uttering a single word. You speak to my soul".
(30)"His kiss, his touch...so gentle...yet so poisonous to my heart".
(31)"A woman's head is always influenced by her heart but a man's heart is always influenced by his head".
(32)"When I kiss your sweet lips I feel as though the world is at my fingertips".
(33)"Without you in my life, the light in my soul grows dark and gloomy".
(34)"Late at night when all the world is sleeping I stay up and think of you. And I wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too".
(35)"The best part of everyday is seeing you in everything I do".
(36)"My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you".
(37)"I am like a child in a candy store looking for that one perfect piece of candy. Just when I gave up on ever finding it, you came a long. You are the sweetest thing in my world".
(38)"The silence between us and the way we look into each other's eyes speak words that language cannot".
(39)"You blew into my life like a whirlwind offering me stormy passion. Then I stepped into the eye of the storm and there I found peace".
(40)"I know in reality we can't be together, so I close my eyes and you're right here with me...in my dreams you're mine forever".
(41)"When I close my eyes, I still see you...When I take a deep breath, I still smell you...When I lick my lips, I still taste your kiss...You're my obsession".
(42)"Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamed of you...I wish that someday I could dream of my pillow and be hugging you".
(43)"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,and finds your presence that life is worthwhile.So,when you are lonely remember its true:somebody,somewhere is thinking of you."
(44)"Not being able to hold you has got to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.But I get to look forward to the next time you are in my arms, your smile only inches away from mine,getting closer and closer until at last...our smiles meet.Something that beautiful...that's what keeps me going."
(45)"People search their whole lives for one moment of what we share when we're together."
(46)"We are the perfect couple,we're just not in the perfect situation."
(47)"Whoever said a kiss is just a kiss was never kissed by you."
(48)You have kissed my lips and left an imprint on my heart."
I apologize the webpage isn't current but I am in school now and it takes up most of my time and I have a young grandson that I enjoy spending time with but please do sign the guestbook.The guestbook is working so if you would like to leave a comment please do.
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