Welcome to The Real Phoenix
Site of Friendship, Poetry and myth
 The myth of the Phoenix
 Poems of the Phoenix
 What does the Phoenix stand for
 Who is the real Phoenix
 More information
The myth of the Phoenix
A short explanation
"…. Now I will believe That there are Unicorns, that in Arabia There is one tree, the phoenix' throne, one phoenix At this hour reigning there
The Tempest -- William Shakespeare
The Phoenix in Greece
Greek mythology places the phoenix in Arabia, where it lives close to a cool well. Every morning at dawn it bathes in the water and sings a beautiful song. So beautiful is the song that the sun god would stop his chariot to listen. There only exists one phoenix at a time. When the phoenix feels its death approaching (every 500 or 1461 years) it builds a nest, sets it on fire, and is consumed by the flames. A new phoenix springs forth from the pyre. It then embalms the ashes of its predecessor in an egg of myrrh and flies with it to the City of the Sun. There the egg is deposited on the altar of the sun God
Link http://www.eliki.com/ancient/myth/phoenix/content.htm
The Phoenix Bird
The Phoenix Bird symbolises immortality, resurrection and life after death. In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, it is associated with the sun god.
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Poems of the Phoenix
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Where does the phoenix stand for?
The Phoenix stands for a new start, a new beginning, starting all over again. Giving the power to fight for your existence. No fear for being yourself, and accept yourself and others the way they are, respecting their choices and accepting the consequences of making choices. Also it stands for poetry, expressing your feelings on a special way
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Who is The Real Phoenix?
I am a Dutch male, Horoscopesign Libra, Chinese horoscope Cat/Rabbit. Due to my life experiences I have become a philosopher, depending on my intuition, feelings and of course on my own.
I learned to express my feelings, by poems and by heart, thankful I found this again I like to share this with people, and avoid for them to get down.
The greatest thing I value is friendship, on which peoples behaviour towards each other depends. A friendship you make for life, or you deny it. Friendship means standing there for your friends, but also respecting their thoughts and feelings. True friendship overcomes distances, time, age and whatever. Friends can and must tell everything to each other, even if it would hurt.
What I also stand for is leaving everyone in his or her own value if it is his or her own value. If not, be a critic, but not to harm, but to help.
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More information
Like to chat or to e-mail with me? phoenix@kabelfoon.nl
I am known as THE REAL PHOENIX on http://www.chat.nl a Dutch chatterbox
You can find me mostly in Graffiti or Liefdesnest
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The way of the State of One'ness with the infinite at the time of leaving his life
Last updated: 03/03/99