A Friendship Like Ours

A friendship like ours is without pretense or barriers,
Where no word is without consequence, no pain without compassion,
When time means nothing and distance is as insignificant as astral travel,
Where a single word can sometimes say all there is to say,
And love grows organically each passing day,
Where misunderstandings are impossible and words have no currency,
Where a chance meeting is enough to last a lifetime,
And heart speaks to heart in a single contact.

I have known good and gentle men and women for a lifetime,
Have been bound to them by blood and debt and every circumstance,
Even lashed together by work and space and passionate concern
Yet few of these could invade the privacy of my inner being
No matter their power or brilliance, beauty or wealth.
But you were destined to reside there, my friend,
by an eternal edict,
Because even before we met, You were already there!

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Red, White and Blue

The mighty flag stands in the sky Waving its colors proud with
pride Its colors stand true Red, white and blue Showing our
gleaming past. Red is our courage Blue our justice and White
our liberty. These are the colors That beautifully show our
country. Flags fly, people die Half mast is the way we honor.
Our country needs us To lead them In the right direction. And
when we do Our colors show true Red, white and blue.

Poem by: by Ali (Third Grade - New York)

The Flag

The flag is red, white and blue. It stands proud and true
In the light blue sky. The symbol of freedom and honored
By those who died in the war. Fifty stars and thirteen
stripes Indeed, what a wonderful sight. The flag is red,
white and blue. It stands proud and true In the light blue
sky. The symbol of freedom Honored by those Who died
in the war. Fifty stars and thirteen stripes Indeed,
What a wonderful sight

Poem by: Zach (Third Grade - New York)

United We Stand
God Bless America


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God Bless The USA

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should point it first at themselves,
as they usually have something
to hide or cover up.

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