Is this page cheese or what?
i just realized it was another thing to hide behind. Damn i hate having evidence of dupliciy shoved in my face . . .
especially mine own.
Well, i will prolly change this page drastically soon enough, but i need something NOW and this will have to do.
Can you ever forgive me?

So, i haven't actually been keeping things up-to date ~ Sorry!
I HAVE been very busy though, so check out the links . . . .
it's not like this is supposed to tell you who i am or anything special
(other than to let you know you have the right page) right?
And if you were looking for me, you do, so there.
Well? What are you waiting for?

sorta updated 7-05-2006

my diary
my personal scribbles
ThE eNvAsIoN!


obligatory banner ad that i don't have anywhere else so i figured i would fill my quota here.

Weird fact of the Day.