

We live in Tulsa OK,..... Chris is My only Child and my life is centered around him......


Son & Father

This is my Dad Jack Lynch

we have Lots of fun doing all kind if stuff from running the wheels off my Dune Buggy to blowing Bubbles all over the apartment complex here's a Pix of me the First day I got my Buggy


     Dance.gif                      buggy.jpg                      Dance.gif

A Boy and his Dune Buggy

16 Months old

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              Old  Glory                 Jack                            Wayne                      Chas Jack

The back-ground is a pix My Daddy took at 20.000 feet when he was in the U.S.Coast Guard  for 8 yr. 11 MOs 27 days ,He misses it but says he wouldn't have me if he was still in so he's Happy he's out ....this is our First Page so forgive my daddy for it not being better ..... see you soon on a Better page

My Grand-Dad Wayne was in the U S Navy for 6yrs 1mo. 15 days  Korea  45-51

My Grate-Grand-Dad Jack was in U S Navy for 4 yr.WW-2  12/8/41 -45

My Grate-Grate-Grand-Dad Charles  was in WW-1  3 years





This Boy never get into anything ?





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