Walk softly, and be quiet....You have entered...


The Lost Works of C. Clark

Welcome. One thing about words that I have always known is that even when you lose one, there are others to replace those that were lost. Here are my words, and this is My Land! Hope you enjoy.

Over the past year I have added numerous other stuff and fun thingies to look at. So, I think I should give a little more info on myself and my page. I'm a 22 year old lightening/fire dragon, that has graduated from SUNY Fredonia. Not only do I have poetry on this page, but a small collection of short stories, some picture galleries of me and my friends, another page of drawings that I have done, some stuff that I did from my Senior Seminar class back in Spring of 2001, and a few other odd collectables. I recently added a page, it's a work in progress, on wicca, draconic wicca to be exact, with my growing knowledge of the subject, do keep checking on that page :-). In a week I am graduating and in another two weeks I will be moving to Corning with my fiance, David. A native of Fredonia and a graduate from FHS, I am going to seek my fortune in Dallas, TX, which is where I have recently moved to.


* POETRY- The works of my life so far.
* Tell Me A Story- Here comes the darkness, but don't be afraid...
* Circle of Seven- See for yourself.
* Picture Archive- See what weirdness I live in...
* All About Me!!!!- Learn what I am about.
* Art Gallery
* Art Gallery II
* Furball: The Dedication!!!
* Draconic Wicca

School Stuff:

* Fight Club Review
* Gilgamesh Speaks
* Outline Resumes and Job Searching

*artist unknown*

In between the lines walks those silent feet that no one knows exists, but are heard in the summer winds and bird calls. It is these "voices" that have created the worlds which we inhabit. In a world built around uncertainty, there is one thing that is positively true; the soul never dies, but continues to creature worlds to live in and thrive upon, creating the winds and sky. Come see these world which my soul has made over countless centuries. Walk in my shoes. See with my eyes. And know what I have learned.

--Ancient Proverb, from DragonSpeak


* DASjr's Home Page- My Beatlemaniac boyfriend's page.
* just another page- By my pimp daddy, Cookie Puss.
* Casey's Self-Indulgence!!!
* Darq Temptress' Exotic Pet Shop- What lurks in corners never shows their faces, until it's too late!!!

*picture copyrighted under Michael Whelan*

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All written material on this page is © 2000 Cynthia Clark

PAGE CREATED: January 21, 2000
LAST UPDATED: May 5, 2002

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