Hello, and Welcome to my web pages on Geocities.

This is a table of contents of information available through this domain,be yea warned, I use a lot of photos, so the pages are SLOW to download.

My mission statement

What was worn in 1750 to 1840 and where to wear it.

Sans Peur Clothing 1750 to 1790: Juste-au-corps and Sac Back style Gowns

Sans Peur Clothing 1790 to 1820: The Regency Period

Sans Peur Clothing 1820-1840: The Prarrie Dress and Taos

Sans Peur Clothing 1820-1840: The Leg O Mutton, The Lowell Mills and Full High Gowns

High Desert styles

Russian Folkwear

Clothing for the smallest Rendezvous Participants

Scottish influenced clothing dated 1700-1840.

Simplicity Patterns for those who need modern patterns for "close" dressing.

Life is not all work, my on line photo album

Send me an email, you can leave messages and information for me about my web site, prices, or order that great set of clothes to make your character in Rendezvous and living history a believable success.

This Mountain Man camp is owned by
Sans Peur Clothing by Lynn, A Division of Wrights Mercantile.

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© 1999 By Lynn