.:The Dollz Investigator:.
Welcome to T.D.I! This site house links to Dollz Sites, tutorials on how to make dollz,drag and dropmakers, and more! And since this is the sister site of The Sim Investigator , We also have a Featured Sites Page! ;)
So make yourself at home and we hope you enjoy T.D.I.!
Please visit The Harmony Doll Project . It's a wonderful project dedicated to harmony within the Doll Community. Now go and find out all about it!
Harmony Doll By Whimsy
I support Harmony in the Doll Community.
::News & Updates::
8/29: TDI's First Doll Contest!! Please CLICK HERE to go to Contest page! I have fixed the broken links throughout the site I also made a new Dollie!
by Angry Chan
::Mailing List & Tell-A-Friend::

Site Copyright © TDI. Layout & Graphics designed by Space-Kitten.