Bonjour, Welcome to My Home Page. Hi, I'm Diane (then and now) or as my students call me, Miss C or just plain Mademoiselle since I am their French teacher. Most people call me Di, sometimes Lady Di, and only a few special people know me as Deedee.

I have been teaching high school French & Spanish for 26 years! Teaching has come a long way since I graduated from AHS 1972 and now my students' assignments can be found via the internet. Visit my assignment page and see what high school French is doing now. I have learned to make web pages from many of my students and in doing so I have taught them how to make French Digital Portfolios.
I have to give credit to my teachers at Arlington High School for all the things that they taught me. My French teachers were terrific and that is the reason why I became a French teacher because of Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Stockman, and Mrs. Judy Williams.
I also learned how to sew in high school. I have made many costumes for our high school plays, mended football and hockey uniforms, fixed cheerleader uniforms, and many more. I make clothes for my mother, but most of all I make my Goddaughter's halloween costume every year.
Here is Danielle at 4 yrs. old dressed as Snow White. This was one of my favorite costumes that I have made. So far, she has been Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, A Princess, and Sleeping Beauty. Danielle is presently 11 yrs. old and she calls me Deedee.
 I have an identical twin sister, Linda. Can you tell us apart? Sometimes we look very much alike; I have to look twice to decide who is who in these pictures.

Linda has lived all over the world with her husband and her daughter Danielle: Texas, Australia, NJ, England and presently Texas, again. With e-mail we can keep in touch daily! Here is a poem that I wrote in 1993 when she was in Australia.

Walls Oh Walls of my mother's flesh You protected us inside of her One egg split in two, you still surrounded us Close, together, behind you for seven months Oh Walls of the incubators which separated us Two months of pounding and kicking you Yearning to get out Not wanting to be apart Oh Walls of grammar school How you frightened us Our tears stopped them from drawing us apart By your singular thick opaqueness Oh Walls of high school You were our maze Our challenge to find each other You gave us courage to be divided Oh Walls of the earth Your strong equatorial barrier How dare you try to separate us You are intangible but crossable Oh Walls you are not important anymore We are not afraid You have taught us that you were never an obstacle We will always be close in heart

Six essential qualities that are the key to success: sincerity, personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom and charity. -Karl Menniger

My interests are:
Teaching French & Spanish, Computers, Sewing, Reading, Great Movies, Going to the Gym, and

Bishop Fenwick High School

The descriptions of the links to my other pages are:
Learning French in High School
French Digital Portfolios
French Impressionists

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Please come back soon and visit me.

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