To my world
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"Welcome to my world, won't you please have a seat? There's no need to worry, I'm the only one to meet."
- Jude, I'm Sorry Now
The plans for renovation. UPDATED (04/03/02)
* Color scheme - The first thing I knew had to change was the look of the site. All the pages had different backgrounds, most of them chosen pretty much at random. The plan is for all pages to have this color scheme after the change. No image backgrounds either. New Color Scheme is now in effect site wide. Image headers are in place.
* "Dream Realm" - The absolutely idiotic name given to this site upon its creation: Gone. New name...Walk In Closet.
* Layout - The site was originally designed to be like a land you're wandering through, with stupid names for all the various parts of the site. That layout is gone. For now, I'm sticking with straightforward names for the sections, though that's subject to change because I like giving things stupid names. New: All sections now have stupid names! That is to say, thematic nomenclature is in place.
* Content (UPDATED 01/17/03) - The new content includes an "About Me" page (now available), an art area with my original artwork displayed (now available) and tutorials (TWO available), a page of links (now available) and a gallery displaying my photomanipulation work (now available). New art area devoted to Projects is now available. New content added to Projects page! And be sure to say hello to the useless blob! New content on the About Me page. (03/09/03) I put one of my Buffy fanfics on the About Me page until I can make a fanfic page. (03/17/03) Created a page for writings called Wire Hangers and moved aforementioned fanfic there. (04/28/03) Created a new gallery devoted entirely to my cartoon penguin pseudo-alter ego. Suggestions for other content are welcome. (8/1/05) Created a new gallery for works in progress. Probably a bad idea, but it has the first new content the site has seen in a very long time.
Note that any e-mails concerning this site should be sent to anyte@hotmail.com with the subject line "Glow in the Dark." All e-mails (with the exception of those coming from my mailing lists) from persons not in my address book are automatically filtered into Junk Mail. If your subject line is not "Glow in the Dark" your e-mail will not be rescued from the junk mail folder.