Toastmasters International provides the tools with which members can learn to improve public speaking skills, and in so doing, develop leadership qualities, confidence and great communication skills.

Dorval City Toastmasters is committed to providing the warmest and safest environment in which its members can experiment and grow.

Please join us!

Dorval City Toastmasters meets every Thursday night, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, at the Sarto Desnoyers Community Centre; 1335 Lakeshore Drive, Dorval.

What is Toastmasters?
Benefits of Toastmasters
Calendar of Events
Contact us

Please sign our Guestbook Click here to view our Guestbook

Toastmasters International is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to helping people improve their communication skills and leadership abilities. To that end there are clubs all over the world helping people achieve their full potential.

The Toastmaster Mission:

Toastmasters International is the leading movement devoted to making effective oral communication a worldwide reality.

Through its member clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking - vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the betterment of mankind.

It is basic to this mission that Toastmasters International continually expand its worldwide network of clubs, thereby offering ever-greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from its programs.


Toastmaster Benefits

Being involved with Toastmasters will give you a unique opportunity to learn and improve your communication skills. Through prepared speeches, "off-the-cuff" speaking sessions and interaction with other people in the club, you will practice and improve speaking skills.
You will benefit from professionally prepared educational materials and resources on speaking, listening, presentation procedures and audio-visual techniques.

You will realize increased confidence through and improved ability to organize logical thought and present it self-assuredly.

You will develop leadership abilities through "head-table" functions, interaction with other members (giving seminars, mentoring new members) and executive club functions.

Toastmasters offers unlimited opportunities for personal growth.


When and Where We Meet:

Please join us!

Dorval City Toastmasters meets every Thursday night 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM at Sarto Desnoyers Community Centre at 1335 Lakeshore Road in Dorval.

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Visitors are always warmly welcomed

For more information about our club, please feel free to contact either the President Joe Haberl (514-748-8262) or
our VP Membership Anne Berschel (514)-637-9282

You can also e-mail us at : Dorval City Toastmasters


Thanks for coming. Please don't be a stranger!

This website last updated 27 November 2004.

Dorval City Toastmasters web site is published by Steve Jones, Vice President Public Relations of the Dorval City Toastmasters Club.
This site is maintained by Dorval City Toastmasters.
"The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited."