Set The Controls for the Heart of The Sun |
Prosperity Community |
For more information on Prosperity Networks and our community, check this out!! |
Laser Light Shows |
Select this option for information about RAVES, Lasers, and ordering shows from Stimulated Emissions, Inc. |
My Resume |
A summary of my work history. |
Native Americans |
Links to the Native American People of Arizona. |
Some of My Art |
I thought that I would show off a few samples of my artwork here, You will find this section is updated frequently, so check back often. |
Some of my Poetry |
Some thoughts, observations, raving, ranting and stuff |
The Way |
A link to various other links, having to do with The Way. Read an interesting theory on the origins of man, religion, and how it relates to aliens |
Universal Life Church |
The Universal Life Church - Become an ordained minister. Receive the benefits of the BIG churches, without conforming to the "man" and his ways. |
Long Distance Telephone Discounts |
Visit this site to find out how you can get 12.9 cents per minute Long Distance Telephone service 24 hours a day and possibly make money doing it. |
The DogPile |
Search multiple engines from one site. |
Java Multi Searcher |
This is a cool little Java Applet, that will allow you to search up to four (4) search engines at one time. |
Send Email |
If you have any comments, they would be greatly appreciated. |