Set The Controls for the Heart of The Sun

Prosperity Community
For more information on Prosperity Networks and our community, check this out!!
Laser Light Shows
Select this option for information about RAVES, Lasers, and ordering shows from Stimulated Emissions, Inc.
My Resume
A summary of my work history.
Native Americans
Links to the Native American People of Arizona.
Some of My Art
I thought that I would show off a few samples of my artwork here,  You will find this section is updated frequently, so check back often.
Some of my Poetry
Some thoughts, observations, raving, ranting and stuff
The Way
A link to various other links, having to do with The Way. Read an interesting theory on the origins of man, religion, and how it relates to aliens
Universal Life Church
The Universal Life Church - Become an ordained minister.  Receive the benefits of the BIG churches, without conforming to the "man" and his ways.
Long Distance Telephone Discounts
Visit this site to find out how you can get 12.9 cents per minute Long Distance Telephone service 24 hours a day and possibly make money doing it.
The DogPile
Search multiple engines from one site.
Java Multi Searcher
This is a cool little Java Applet, that will allow you to search up to four (4) search engines at one time.

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If you have any comments, they would be greatly appreciated.