Church Of God International Home Page
Info On Teen Summer Camp
FOT 2001- Where will you be  attending?
Ron Elkins, Local Pastor of the Texarkana CGI, is also the Feast Co-Ordinator for the Wagoner Oklahoma Feast Site. If you would like to volunteer you can call Mr. Elkins at 1-870-653-6043 or e-mails can be sent to prospernow@msn.com. Click HERE to find out more info about the Wagoner festival site. We now have a page containing the tentative schedule of activities! *Teens* Send your ideas to Tammy Cottingame  at cuitet@hotmail.com. Thanks!
* UpComing Events *
The Texarkana Congregation is pleased to announce the annual Pentecost celebration will once again take place in conjunction w/the Shreveport congregation and guest from all over the aea

It is getting closer every day. With less than 6 mos left, it will be here before we knows it! Begin making preparations early and check out our feast pages.
People Have Visited this Site since 5/17/01
Services are at 12:30 each Sabbath - Walnut Street, Texarkana Texas
Texarkana CGI
to the Web-Site of
         Prayer Requests:             
Rosy Halley Sponsors a weekly e-mail prayer request list. To submit requests,or to be added to the e-mail list - contact her at :
or:           Rosy Halley
            4502 Skyline Drive
           Chandler,Texas 75758

        "Nothing makes us love
         another person like a
         simple prayer on their
               Copyright 2003 by:
Texarkana CGI
1624 Walnut Street,Texarkana Tx. 75503
                  All Rights Reserved