When you dream alone, it is a dream -
when many dream together,
it is the begin of a new reality.
(Helder Camara)
We about us!
Our freemason Lodge is a doughterlodge of the "Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland" in the unit with the association "Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland".
Our leading idea is
"disclose yourself". The human being is the centre of our thinking and our activity. The brotherhood attempts to join the dispersal modern world together in a mental level. It stands to reason, that masonry is a place of spiritual explanation and human meeting, where we find enough time for cheerful sociality. Beside of our particular relation to humanity, and our general philantropy, is charity a main component of our activity.
Through our regular meetings, we increase spiritual knowledge and our ethical development. Avoiding to remain in the "ivory tower", we observe the most important cultural, scientifical, political and economical events.
The lodge is for us an educational and experimental establishment. We underline the words of
Philosophy meets nothing in the cosmos, that we do not find in humanity, because the source of heaven and earth is the same for the microcosm. For this reason we find here on earth the guidepost to the inward and from the inner the gate to the universe.
How can we deal with this reality? We find directives in an
old ritual:
"Brains and feelings must always work together, otherwise the space is dominated by a soulless academical knowledge, and the unruly feelings lose themselves in aimless tracks of the circle. The reciprocal action, by using the little word "Love", would help mankind all out. If science would succeed in a reduction of her achievments to a fundamental root, what would be the result? The "absolute"? Science lets this question wisely open."
"Knowledge and consciousness come from the same roots. He who wants to become aware of a fact, must want to have a profound knowledge of the same."
(Rudolf Hagelstange) The Poet and Brother
Lessing says,
"Not the truth in a possible possession of a man, but the sincere effort he made to find the truth determines his real value. Not the possession of the truth, but the investigation to find the truth increases his perfection."
With all our activity we should not forget, that we are building the temple of the humanity, and the stones we need are the human beings. Sure, some individualists prefer to live there own way, and do not bother about others. However, most men need the support, the congeniality and the sociality. A great many of young men are looking for philantropy, tolerance, charity and education. Our lodge is open for these young men.When we look into the world, we can see that many people are longing for more humanity. Have you also got this longing?
Antoine de Saint-Excupery says,
If you intend to build a ship,
do not look for workers to procure wood and to lead the shipbuilding,
but learn them to long for the wide and endless sea.
Lodge particulars
The Lodge "Am Rauhen Stein" was founded on the 9.8.1962 in the restaurant "Alstereck" in Hamburg by 12 brethren of the Lodge "Konrad Ekhof" (Matr.-Nr. 601). She was a deputylodge from the Lodge "Armin zur Treue und Einigkeit" (Matr.-Nr. 591) and through the constitutional patent and the lightbringing on the 5.12.1963. The patent of a perfect lodge was passed over from the Grandlodge AFuAM on the 11.12.1964.
We work according to the ritual of our Grandlodge AFuAM. To our lodge belong architects, physicians, masterbuilders, landscape-gardeners, goldsmiths, engineers (electrical, mechanical, economical), merchants (bank, import-export, insurance), musicans, professors, psychologists, solicitors, statisticians, veterinary surgeons and advertising experts. At the moment we have 38 brethren in our lodge. Our jewel is an unregularly formed amber of medium size.
Direction for traveling brethren:
Meetings: Every Thursday
Address: Moorweidenstr. 36, 20146 Hamburg.
Time: 19.30
Mason Hall: Moorweidenstr. 36, 20146 Hamburg, belongs the "Provinzialloge von Niedersachsen". It was build by Hermann Schomburgk and H. Leopold Strehlow from 1907-1909. The main facade is in classic style. In the house we find several spectacular temples. The restaurant is cozy and very sociable.