with all the force of what is true
is there nothing i can do?

linteena's lovelies
a poetry forum under renovation

priest of the naked
president of the open-mouthed
jaws hit the floor in silence
minstrel of the proud
saint of the willing
land of the brave and free
bells ring in ears of liars
shipwreck of uncertainty
man of the medicine
magistrate of the magnum show
put on a spectacle for children
teach them things they shouldn't know
skull of the body
pinnacle of the straight
curves sweep the ceiling highest
my god is good my god is great
amber candy of the sweet tooth
homely wickedness is worse
mimic monkeys in their suits of copper
newborn babies driving hearse
bold apprentice without teacher
apprechension with a bite
turtle of the utmost patience
and i forfeit without fight
johnnysnicker with a vengence
oddly taken, i assume
jump the building swim in oxygen
hocus-pocusing the doom

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