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Hiya Cuties!
I just wanted to let you guys know that I, Compassion, am sorta sick at the moment and I won't be playing later than 8pm Eastern Standard Time for a couple of days. These Antihistamines make my head feel kinda weird, so keep me in your prayers! Thanks everybody! Have a Super-Duper Day! -- Natalie
March's Cuties of the Month are: Folthanae and Fiyn
The Cutest Female!!!
Folthanae Genevieve is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She is admired by all who speak to her. She was once the Senior Guide of Rallos Zek, but has recently resigned this position in order to persue her career and visit her friends on Fennin Ro. She is a beautiful level 50 Druidess, who has wonderful leadership abilities and is talented in everything that I can think of. She loves Computers, et cetera! I have to thank Folthanae for being my inspiration because Folthanae was my competition... I wanted to beat her to level 50 (but she got level 50 while I was still like 40, or less... and when I had first met her, I was mid-thirties and she was in her upper twenties). Folthanae has the strongest determination, and she works on something until she has accomplished it. You're an Angel Folthanae! We love you! - Lyshandra & Murpus
The Cutest Male!!!
Fiyn Renloral is a gorgeous Woodelf Bard and a Handsome Smith. Sporting over 150 Smithing skill, he equips Greater Faydark and nearby regions with the finest Banded Armor. He was very kind to me, and happily made me some Muffin Tins and Cake Rounds (for Birthday Cakes), when I asked if he could. He is a master Potter, Cook, and is all-around marvelous. A true handyman, Fiyn and his forge work 24/7! And he looks so sexy, muscles buldging and sweat rolling off his brow, as he crafts his famous armor.
At the moment, Fiyn is level 26 bard (who levels slowly because his smithing takes up most of his time) who always spends more
money than he has, luckily he has a somewhat steady income. He puts a compassion twist on the
sale of banded(ie: Handsome smith with 152 smithing selling Small & Med banded) "Copying is the
highest form of flattery", and it works. He is a species almost extinct in this world, a gentleman.
He fights for neither good nor evil, but what he believes in. "Most want to be great adventures with
level 50 characters, I want to be a great salesman with happy repeat customers." Fiyn, smith of
the 3rd kind.
*Cutie of the Month Contest*
Beginning in February, the month of love, we're going to have Female and Male winners of the Cutie of the Month! So remember to nominate your sweetheart!
And now, a quote from a real person:

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