Hangin' In Europe . . . For Those Who Have Little Or Very Little Dinero
~ ME ~
Hi there. I'm Dannielle. I've had the wonderful privilige of going to Europe many many times. I was a "Military Brat". Europe was something I grew up with....a part of my life that I love. Sometimes I've felt like a European trapped in the body of an American. Although I would never give up my right and privildge of being an American.
So, ya' thinkin' ya' wanna' go to Europe?!! Who the hell can blame you. It's a wonderful, fascinating, fun, and romantic experience. It will expand your mind to new levels.
If you can get away with just a regular stateside I.D. then leave passport in locker too. NEVER be careless with Mr. Passport. Of course if you do it your way and get ripped off and lose all money, passport, I.D's.......well.......you're screwed and in for an Embassy headache. (UGH!!)Yet...it could make for a more- so memorable experience.Embassies_and_Consulates
ACCOMMODATIONS ![]() HOTEL FEES We can cut corners here too. DON'T GET ONE!!!! OR don't always get one. Explore your options fully. Be resourceful. Stash your major bulk in an airport locker. Load up that backpack with a change of pants, 2 other shirts, hygene stuff is a must for me, and at least 5 extra pair of undies. Taking a bar of soap in a plastic baggie ensures you a washing machine at your fingertips and convenience. BUT....if you are a glutton for punishment and want everyone to think you are a loser and really weird then feel free to shlep around luggage wherever U go. To each his/her own.
Save money !!! Don't get one!!!! If you are lucky enough you can cop a bench in a safe park at night with firends. Worked for me once anyway. The park juuuuuuuuust below the Eiffle Tower was accomadating to our small group. I was lucky enough to get the bench and not the turf. 3rd bench from Tower....Near that cute fountain pond with the really pretty flowers. Of course ther's always the possibility of the humiliation of having the police wake you up and kindly telling you that you cannot sleep there.....Aside from the humiliation of feeling like a homeless person and a bum by the way he looks at you, you try to maintain your diginty as best as you can, even by faking it if need be because WHO THE HELL CARES!!!! YOU'RE IN EUROPE!!!! AWWWWWWSOME BABYYYY!!!!
Over time friends have friends or family that lovingly and graciously take U in from time to time or for a while. JUST REMEMBER to always show respect and help out with any household or property chores to repay the kindness and generosity. There are also Hostiles, bushes, the woods---OR break down for that hotel after all.
See, MOST Europeans are kinder by nature than Americans. More inviting, trusting, and helpful. Don't get me wrong, there are good people and bad people everywhere. Use common sense. Get a descent, non- drug using, non- criminal ept group to hang with.
Some of the reasons why I love Europe are because the people are generally friendlier. They are always out and about. Day or night. Winter or summer. Out and about walking and having fun. Doing something. Always wakling, walking, walking or riding an old rustic looking bike that somehow looks very cool and fits in. Not stupid or geeky. (Here in the states if you walk to the store, a friends, or two and from work people look at you like U must be:
A.) Poor
B.) A loser
C.) Car in shop
D.) Or they kill you.)
I love to look at the old buidings, streets, and huge city gates that have stood for centuries. Some of the old buidings are so beautiful mixed with the scars of past wars marked in their texture with the bullet holes and such... Standing city gates hundreds of years old...They've all stood for so long.. I look at it all and can just imagine the stories they could tell of people and events of the past.
Also, people always usually walk into a tiny store or out door stand set up and grab a tissue to pick up an unwrapped loaf of bread made that day.
There are flower carts and set ups everywhere.
RED ALERT!!! ONE OF THE ONLY FRENCH LESSONS YOU WILL EVER NEED TO KNOW TO ENSURE THE BEST TIME IN FRANCE IS THIS: "Connaissez-vous une bonne boite de nuit??".....Which translates to: "Do you know of a good night club??" AND IN GERMAN: "Konnen Sie eine gute Discothek empfehlen?".....means the same thing. Italian : "Conosci una buona discoteca, qui in citta'?" (but a real Italian would use a slang expression).......
Most of our American fashion trends come from there anyway....
In Berlin I did come across this eastern European girl..She was so nice. She was staying with her aunt for the summer. They took us all in for two days. I ended up swapping her my pair of expensive jeans, my Raybans, and the last of my little bottle of Liz Clayborn perfume for her green ring she bought in Siberia and a pair of earings. Of course, you may think she made out on the deal but I loved the new jewelry because of the sentimental memories behind them. The memorable fun we all had together. Besides, I could afford to replace the jeans when I returned home. For her it was like a really big deal. You cannot just buy those things I gave her over in eastern Europe. It's hard to come by and, in some cases, too expensive to even think about buying even on the black market over there.
The people you meet there will give you unbelievable intangible things that money just can't buy. And talk about driving a car at warp speed---check out the autoban
I garaunte you have never seen a Beemer motorcycle, Mercedes, Porsche, etc...go so fast.. There is no speed limit. Actually there is.....it's as fast as your car can possibly go. I have been known to not want to look while a pro was at the wheel....It can be quit scary if you're not use to driving past the speed of sound.
You know you haven't been to Europe enough when you get out of the car in which someone has just drivin the equivilent of 130 mph and there's no more syliva in your mouth, your legs won't hold you up, you've just seen your life pass before your eyes, OR....perhaps an adult diaper would come in handy.....Not to worry. This will all pass the more you do it and are around it. I can tell u the fastest I've ever braved it was 110 mph equivlent. It was just toooooooo scary for me to go any faster. I could go on and on but won't....(Don't get me started)
Now these are just ideas and tips taken from one of my own experiences or a friends experience. As rough or harsh as it may sound, it's so much fun. I was in a position where I really didn't have to rough it so much. But I chose to for many reasons. One walks away with a lot more. E-mail me if it sounds familiure, you have a story to share, or your own pointers. I'll credit you if I share it or link you.
I'd like to also say a special thank U to my dear friend Lori for showing me how to do all of this web page stuff. She can also make me laugh until I have tears in my eyes and my side hurts. Thank you Lori.