Love Poems
Poems about Hate
Poems about Longing
Poems about Nature
Poems about Pain and Rejection
Poems about Recovery

Poems about Sorrow and Sadness
Favorite Poems by Other Authors
Bacil's Page of Love, Romance, Poetry, and also of Hatred, Jealousy, and Pain

Since, of course, love and hate are two sides of the same coin, and nothing worth doing can possibly be painless all of the time, love and hate and pleasure and pain are inextractably bound to each other.

Welcome to my little spot on the web!

New! I have been working on an anthology of my poetry and prose, and it is finally in final draft! See Quixotic Raindrop for details! (and advance orders!)

New! Subscribe to my update service!

Ultimately, poetry (or any writing) can do one of two things: it can move the reader emotionally, or it can widen their horizons intellectually. Whether mine does that or not is your decision. Whatever effect it has, or whatever ineffectiveness it carries, sign my guestbook (or view it!) or email me and let me know!

New: Weblog available!

New poem Ode to a Girl I Used to Love posted on 10 NOV 2003 to Hate

No new poems, but just touching up! I am still alive, but have been so busy with work that my writing has suffered. I do intend to post a couple of short stories shortly, though, so stay tuned! (22 MAY 2003)

New poem Obsession posted on 10 SEP 2001 in Hate.

New poem "Realization" posted on 08 AUG 2001 in recovery

Note: new poems posted on 23 JUN 01, to Sorrow (Mirror and Hiding), to Pain (Death Wish and Eulogy for a Fallen Friend).

All poems contained in this site (, or, and all of its subdirectories) are Copyright � 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, or 2003 by Bacil D. Warren. Rights hereby granted to Yahoo Geocities to mirror these documents for the express purpose of caching webpages and providing faster access to Yahoo Geocities customers. All other rights reserved.

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Just for fun! Check your "love compatibility" with that special someone :-)

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