Kavi's trip to Austin (Dec 2001) Latest pics from Chicago (2001) 2 weird pics (2001)
NEW ! New pictures taken in chicago (2001)... Greenwich Times... (2000-2001)
Hi all! Welcome to my humble homepage.. I am Nithin Mallya. 26 yo guy.. I love music ...all kinds.. Rock/Pop/Alternative,Jazz,Blues,Hip Hop... One of my fav songs is "You got it bad" by Usher and not to forget my all time favourites...Hindi music ! . Ok, more about me...I like travelling (and man ! i do it a lot cos of my job), going out on long drives, partying,making new friends, working out and reading ( metaphysical stuff, Astrology, good ol' potboilers and the like ). I dream about travelling to distant lands and see places I had only heard about...I am single right now..and loving it actually ! What's that saying.."you know the value of something only when it's gone...well i think that of Freedom" :0) I also like collecting poems , so if u r interested u can follow the above link . Right now there r just a few of them,but I'l update it soon. (By the way, they are mushy, wring- your-heart kinda poems...so if u just got dumped, i wouldn't recommend them ;-) That's me in a nutshell, folks...lemme sign off with this interesting quote : "Be careful about whose toes your are treading on...they may be connected to the ass you might have to kiss tomorrow."