"A bell's not a bell 'til you ring it
A song's not a song 'til you sing it
Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay
Love isn't love 'til you give it away!"
Oscar Hammerstein

Hello! I'm Vemtira.
This site is dedicated to people who have met on the interent and have successful relationships. If you have met your partner on the internet and wish to share your story, please feel free to send them to me and I will post them here. You can email me at vemtira@geocities.com Include pictures if possible as a picture says a thousand words.

Bio Vemtira's Bio Page Curious as to who Vemtira is? Click on the yellow rose and I'll tell you who I am!
Internet Love Stories Internet Love Stories Read about other couples who have met on the internet and how their relationships are flourishing!
Romance Poetry A collection of romance poetry from various authors.
Internet Romance Internet Romance Links to "Singles" site where you too can find true love!
Romance Cards Internet Romance Cards Links to sites to access free internet romance cards to send to the love of your life.
Awards Awards Awards I have received!
Links Internet Links Links to other sites containing romance.
Webrings Web Rings Web Rings I Belong To!
Astrology Astrology See what the stars have in store for you!.

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vemtira@geocities.com ©1998-2002

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Disclaimer: All gifs were found on many sites within the web. I do not claim any rights to any of these gifs, but do wish to express my gratitude to those who created such beautiful gifs for me to express the feelings of romance on this page. Please email me or sign my guestbook with any claims to the creation of any gif you may find on my page, and I will list your credits.
Thank you!


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