~feathers~Love & Roses

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~feathers~Love & Roses

Love & Roses

Can love blossom like a rose,

Bloom and flourish as it grows;

Does it stay as days pass by.

And never fade or sometimes die.

This isn't true because you see,

For all that lives can't always be;

If feelings fade and drop away,

Love can't be true that dies this way.

To renew all that you have now,

A rose is different this is how;

For each and every feeling grew,

Must be grown and fed anew.

So why seek out and look beyond,

For all you need may be your bond;

Give and take and forgive all,

For If you don't the vine may fall.

Care and warmth is all it takes,

And what a heart will need it makes;

A wilting rose is not like love,

For love and passion fly above.

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