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Order: Secrets of a Bridal Consultant : A Wedding Workbook by Joyce Hartmann, Loretta Saff Today!
A Wonderful Book. Every New Bride Should Read It! Joyce and Loretta really know the needs of brides. This book is very helpful in every area of orchastrating any wedding using any budget. It definitely made the differece in my wedding, it was the most beautiful event I have ever attended. I loved my wedding; I loved this book and I highly recommend it to every bride to be.
Comments: "Joyce Hartmann's organizational skills know no parallel. She turned an imminent disaster into a celebration when our son's wedding was drastically altered by the arrival of Hurricane Elena. We still remember that day as Joyce's miracle! 'Wedding expert' does not begin to describe her talents." --Marilyn and Dr. Harvey Wittner "Joyce's meticulous attention to detail even includes an optimal placement of my cameras. This enables me to produce national award winning wedding videos year after year." --Arthur R. Polin
Order: The Consultant's Calling : Bringing Who You Are to What You Do (Jossey-Bass Management Series)
by Geoffrey M. Bellman Today!
This book is for anyone who wants to know what consulting is really like as a career, as a living, as a way of life. A successful consultant for many years, Geoffrey Bellman shows how to make the job rewarding--both financially and personally. The Consultant's Calling examines every aspect of the work, from the practical issues of managing time, clients, and money to such broader concerns as how to balance work with family life and how to remain honest with oneself. Both personal and pragmatic, this book is for all types of consultants, inside or outside organizations; for those who work with consultants; and for those who dream of becoming a consultant.
Order: Consulting for Dummies (For Dummies)
by Bob Nelson, Peter Economy Today!
Order: The Consultant's Survival Guide
by Marsha D. Lewin Today!
Successful consultant Marsha Lewin offers consultants survival strategies for how to stay in business and thrive in this increasingly competitive environment. The book shows consultants how to stay in control, how to create a demand for their services, and how to do successful work overall.
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