Vanderlei & Manuela
Recent News:
July 15th, 2004
Manuela has left work and is now dedicating herself to the pregnancy. She was really nauseus for last 2 months, but now is doing much better. We have had our first ultrasound (picture on the left), and soon are going for a more detailed one, in July 19th.
(Manuela deixou o trabalho e agora esta se dedicando a gravidez. Ela esteve muito enjoada nos ultimos 2 meses, mas ja esta melhor. Ja fizemos o primeiro ultrasom (imagem na esquerda), e logo faremos um mais detalhado em 19 de Julho.)

June 14th, 2004
We are now expecting a baby, and a brand new phase of our lives has started. The baby due in February 2004. More to come....
(Nos agora estamos esperando um bebe, e com isto iniciamos uma nova fase em nossas vidas. O bebe esta sendo esperado para Fevereiro de 2004. Mais noticias a caminho...)

(Cat Skills Trip in Oct 2003)
Old pictures from when we lived in Madrid.
Baby (coming soon)
First Ultrasound
Our Info:
Vanderlei Silva & Manuela Baptista
20 River Ct, apt 1010
Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA
Phone: 1-201-626-2148
(Click here to see the place where we live)