This Page last updated on Jan 16, 2000
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 {Sorry Under Reconstruction But these two guys are working on it 
{ So it gets done Faster, But its getting there } Started This Page 12/6/97
This is me on Devil's Elbo Oregon Coast ( Pacific Ocean) Sept. 1997
I broke my shoulder on that day.

Welcome to My Music  Collection, I hope you like it 
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(Jhon Broleh " Silence of the Sea")
 All the collections are links to their prespective site owners, and all the credit goes to them, for providing these songs on the net.
Ey Iran  Marzieh Yavareh Hamishe Momen  Dariush 
Vafa  Delkash
Flower  Marzieh Ey ke Bito khodamo Dariush Bordy Delkash,/Vigen
Iran Zamin Soroush Eizady Faryade Zire Ab  Dariush Vafaye man Bashad Delkash
Khaneh Pedar Bozorg Be Man Nago Dosted Daram   Dariush Nasime Sahar  Delkash
Boyeh Joyeh Molian Ayad Hami Ali Konkori  Dariush Shamse-man   Aram-
Red Rose  Marzieh Sale Dohezar  Dariush Bahar Azadi .. ???? 
Nono Panir to Sabzi  Ebie Bachehay Iran  Dariush Nemiyad  Googoosh
Rosvay Zamaneh Elahe Nazanin  Dariush Abro be Man Kaj Nakon  Googoosh
Golrizan  Eskandar Abadi Ashofte Bazar  Dariush Hamseda Googoosh
Bekhab  Manochehr Sakhie Noono Paniro Sabzi (Dariush& Ebie) Eyde Seda  Ramesh
Bot Ayar  Ghity Booye Gandome-Soghot  Dariush Ey Asheghan  Zoya Sabet
Goleh Ghandom  Maziar Goftego Ba Del  Dariush Ka-Goli  Gity
Zamoneh  Elaheh Darvishan  Homyra Az Rahe Dor   Vigen/Jaklin
Emshab Daar Sar Sury Daram  Parvin Jelve Yar  Marzieh Dar Saghar Andazim Shahla Sarshar
BAhara khojaste ... ????  Enghadr to ro dost daram  Aram Mirza   Zoya Sabet
Pashmineh Posh  Zoya Sabet Beh oon Kohe Bolandi  Googoosh Mara Bebos  Manocheh Skhayee 
Degar Chemikhahi  Banan Dokhtare Darya  Googoosh Aghe Donya por az Ashegh Nabashe 
Rokhsar  Dariush Rafieey  Ki-Midooneh Googoosh Man emshab ke tanam dagh ast  Marzieh 
Azari Song  Zorofchi Jadeh    Googoosh Maro ey ...   ??????
Bia  Be khozestan berim  Bandari song Saghui  Soroush  Mojdeh Bedeh  Aref 
Gole Maryam  Elahe Kohe Rahayee  Sorosh Setare Donbale Dar  Ebie
Az Noo  Ramesh Amadam  Delkash Gomgashte dar khater zamaneh  Vighen
Parastoo  Manochehr Sakhayee Asheghay Khake Iroon Morteza Negar Amad Zoya Sabet
Mano to  Aram Mane Ashofteh .....   ???? Tayere  Shahla Sarshar
Khake Man  Aref Gozashtehaye Shirin  Emade Ram Azare Eshegh   Soroush eyzadi
Tosheye Omr  Banan Joda az to nemikhaham Mahtab  Vigen
Tavoos  Marzieh Mirza Kochak Khan  Zoya Sabet Iran Nemishe Viran Aref
Seyle Ashk  Zoya Sabet Goli Bebar Manochehr Sakhayee Barane Ghazal  Ramesh
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