like all good sites - this one is under permanent construction!

To the regular visitors - how hopeless have I been??? *LOL* Don't answer that!! Nothing done since May and it is now November 1998. Slap my wrists!!!

I'm back now and trying a little harder to get a seriously new look here - bear with me please!

To new visitors - WELCOME!!!

Please stay and visit awhile - on "my favourite people" pages, you will find some of the folks dearest to me and slowly but surely, for those interested, I am also divulging further information about myself!!!

The bits n bobs and links page is moving right along - I love to share so do visit this page, there are some fabulous links there and more to come!!!

Please!!!! Please do not leave without letting me know you have visited!!!! My guestbook is MY favourite place to visit!!!

Oh and by the way.... this is me!!!!.

My favourite people!

My favourite people - page 2!

More about me!

Views of my home city!

Inspirational stuff!

Bits n bobs, links n things!

Net friends and home pages!

My home business web page! New!


9th May 1998

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visitors since December 1997

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