Welcome toThe Den of Soft Winds


My heart is filled with joy, when I see you here, as the brooks fill with water when the snows melt in the spring, and I feel glad, as the ponies are when the fresh grass starts in the beginning of the year.  I heard of your coming, when I was many sleeps away, and I made but few camps before I met you.  I knew tht you had come to do good to me and to my people.  I look for the benefits, which would last forever, and so my face shines with joy, as I look upon you.

Ten Bears........Yamparika Comanche




my shield remains to honor my sisters, even
though the SOTW is no longer



 (c) 2000, Elsangel Division, Slipstream Music, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Thank you Jennie Braveheart and SheoWolf
for the use of this lovely wav

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