Joanne's Art Gallery
Welcome to my "Art Gallery". As you saw from the previous page, there were drawings that I did for two of my poems, now I would like to show you how I paint, draw and use the computer. All very 'creatively' and different!
Also some other pictures that I have done of the years.
But first meet an old 'friend'........
This is 'Mr. Squiggle' .....He is a
character from my childhood TV. As you can see he used is
'special nose' to draw!
This is one of the ways that I paint and draw......
(As you can see my computer is in the background. I am painting a design on a calico bag. August,1997)
Now here is another way I paint when I am in my motorised wheelchair, when at another venue.
(This adaptation is called a head-pointer, which can have brushes, pencils attached. I am painting a design on a T-Shirt. September, 1987)
This is how I finished off that T-Shirt........on another day.
Boy was I glad that 'SNOWMAN' was finished.....My white paint was running out!
Now some other things I have done.......
(A 3D piece of craft work. Using paint, wood, wire, bark, tin, string and material. 1983)
(Acrylic painting of a 'Cloudy Farm'. 1999)
(Acrylic painting of 'Red Barn'. 1997)
(Fabric paints on a Calico Bag. 1997)
Well, I thought if Ape could paint, why not me!!
(I promised to show him at work!)
Just click on 'Skippy' to go back.......
by: J. van den Eynden
© November 3, 1997 J. van den Eynden, Victoria, Australia
Last updated: November, 24, 1999