Welcome To The Home of Nightlover
Ladies beware

Welcome all to my homepage, if there isn't enough light please let me know and will gladly put more in for you. Sure some people say that I am a hopeless romantic, but hey, i figured why make a homepage that didn't reflect who I am. Anyway.......to tell you a little about myself, i am a 22 year old male from Iowa unfortunatly. Some of the things that I like to do are:
  1. Parties
  2. Having fun with my friends
  3. Getting close to a special woman in front of a warm fire
  4. Working on my car
  5. And finally, just doing things on the computer, but I am far from being a computer geek, just to keep things clear.
Just to make you feel better, and to be on the safe side i will put a candle in here for you to look around alright.....

I hope this makes you feel better.....
Let me guess....your saying to yourself,"this guy has lost his marbles, or something like that right? If you knew some of my friends,they will tell you different, but its not up to me to change your mind, only you can do that.

Hey if you like, heck I will even ask that you send me email or sign my guest book on one of the following pages to tell me just what you thought of my page. It would be greatly appreciated.
can't wait to hear from you.

I am also in the process of making a page for online stories of people from the internet meeting in real life, if you would like to read them or send me one please feel free to do so.

Also, please try to look at all the pages, some pages don't have all the links for my other pages, so please look carefully. Thank you

Special People
Special Person
strange things happen to you?
touching story#1
touching story#2
touching story#3
beautiful picture
sad story
something for the holidays
In Loving Memory

(if you like the poems please email me either your comments, or some poems that you have written yourself and i will be glad to add them to my page)