Hey everyone! This is just a page about me, to give me something to do when I am bored!!! You can reach me on AIM @ Gen185160 or drop me an email at gennifer@rmi.net
The link below also has a pic of just me.
About Me
Ok, so I have officially found out how big of a bitch I am, and I got this wonderful award for doing so!!!

you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
This page is always under construction. I am constantly finding new things to put up on here. Come back soon to see if I add anything...
This page is just a random collection of information and pictures about me and the stuff most important in my life...
Pictures of my friend and I
Myself with some friends
Here is the first page of pics of my friends that I am trying to put up. Right now the only ones I have up are of Jeremy and Chan, but I will be adding more as I get time!!!
Jeremy and Chan
Ok, so I love to party, I work at a club called Rumbay here in Colorado Springs, which is hella cool. I love to dance so this is a pretty cool job for me.
You can also see my Nicolas Cage Page. Nothing big, just some pics of him and a couple of wavs from some of my favorite movies.
Nicolas Cage
Go to my stupid stuff page, just has a lot of pictures that I have been taking with my digital camera
Pic's I took with my digital camera
More Pic's that I took with my new digital camera
Ok so here are a few links to my friends' pages!!!
This page is always under construction, I always add new stuff whenever I find a pic or sound that is cool, so visit often!!!
*** Next Page ***
You can get a hold of me by dropping me an email at gennifer@rmi.net

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