...after countless good intentions, i have decided to ACTUALLY give this whole home-page thing a try......i mean there must be something interesting about me or what i like that may be of interest to other people (:.i hope..........
i am Eulena Margarita Small (formerly Jean- Baptiste) i am 19 years of age (an adult *wicked grin* at last haha) I am from the most beautiful place in the world....
...oh yeah, back to me...i'll try not to subject you to that again..yet.. i am a junior in the U.S at Wake Forest though. i am really lucky to be here as i do not come from 'money' by any means, but have gotten financial help, or i'd be in *gasp* Jamaica (just kidding..they have an excellent medical school there)
i live(d) with my mom and little brother . He's a cutie pie, and is presently 8 years of age.(i plan to set up a photo album soon)...
it is now fall 1999
i feel older ): but i know it is all for the best -- older and sexier they say don't they *grin*
Thomas is here in Winston-Salem (YIPPEE!!) ... Relationships are a lot harder than they seem, but the good times make it all worth it ---- see what i said about the getting older, i'm even starting to sound like a walking cliche... ah well (:
i am discovering new things about myself, like the fact that i do have a few faults of my own, and that i can be too hard on people, especially those that are closest to me
The World Is A Beautiful Place
my mom still loves me (: and my cutsey pie brother too -- i got letters from both of them today, and my brother drew me a picture. I love that kid.
i love music- any kind really, once i like the beat...some of my favorite music includes 'Hard To Say I'm Sorry' (az Yet) , some of Mace, Bob Marley (the greatest), Marvin Gaye, Chopin (etude #3 is my favorite classical piece of all time),Saturday Night Fever, 70s music, most top 40 stuff, oldie goldies, classical...
i play guitar- classical, and i love to sing.....
dancing in the rain
cuddling on a rainy day..or anytime really (;
hiking, camping, and going for long walks
sunsets on the beaches of....
pizza with sweet peppers, pineapple and minced meat
anything my gran cooks
kissing and hugging my little brother
driving around as fast as possible with my best friend Sanna
kissing (:
Thomas, my love
people who know it all..and have to share all with everybody
i'm 5'5 1/2 (never forget the half)
125-130 lbs (fluctuates slightly there, but not noticable)
short black curly/wavy hair (my hair is crazy , but cool...i cut it recently)
brown eyes (big and soulful*grin*)
am black (my mom is black, from....
, and my dad is a creole indian, from St.Lucia)
am cute too (: like a flower..
am shy around people i don't know
love to talk to people and listen, find out new things
but am a bit antisocial sometimes, mostly having to do with my shyness- find it hard to relax around strangers sometimes
love to have fun though
absolutely love to dance and drive around..to travel