Woon Ching's e-Book

A warm welcome to you for visiting my homepage.

I've wanted to write a book for a number of years now but just couldn't seem to afford it - financially. So, this site which I'll call my electronic-Book or e-Book, for short, would have to do for the time being. Let's keep our fingers crossed and prayed that the Geocities server would remain free for a long time to come. =)

The objective for creating this e-Book is to give the able-bodied a glimpse about what it is like to live with a disability. For those of you who have or know someone with a disability, my hope is that you will leave with a little less fear and a little more hope for the future. 

Moreover, you might find that some of the articles talk about Christianity. The intention is to encourage the reader to walk with the Lord. 

Please take a moment to sign the Guestbook... If you would like to know about me and my life with a disability, please click here

Otherwise, you can check out some of the links. Do feel free to browse around. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

You are visitor number  since April 25th, 2002
Last updated on April 25th, 2002
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