W E L C O M E   


Catalogue of the icons

The present icons are copies from the originals and they have been hand-made by the best Bulgarian specialists of this difficult art, and some others from Russia, following the orthodox canon, and using egg tempera on solid wood. The icon although appeared as an object of workship, makes the shaping of one determined idea in visual images that produces an emotional effect in the viewer, either by its spiritual content or by the artistical execution. The origin of the icon is in the divulgation of the evangelical truth and the Christians dogmas through the art. This could be applicated to the whole Middle-Ages art, but the icon remains its primigenial elements. The icon is theology in image and so the orthodox believers gathered in a church for the liturgy make their union with God not only by their prayers, but also through the spirituality that comes from the icons.

"The beauty will save the world.", said Dostoyevsky. The beauty of the icon is based in the harmony that comes from the whole, as a result of the large tradition and a meticulous elaboration. The process of icon painting is slow and laborious. The wood has to be solid and stable, and requires a large preparation, from which depends the lasting of the painting at any atmospherical conditions. On solid wood is placed a glue cover and then is fixed a thin canvas. On this base is applicated up to seven covers of white stone powder, and then the drawing is made either copying from a manual or painting directly from an ancient icon. The fidelity to the tradition garanteed the authenticy because avoid any artist improvisation. After that is put the yellow ocher or gold folio. The next operation consists in recovering the drawing by egg yellow and later uniform tints before bordering and iluminating the whole. The such made icon will last many centuries, and will pass from fathers to sons successively.

If you are interested in buying an icon from our gallery or another not inclueded in this cataloge, do not hesitate to send an e-mail or call us. Assuming that the icon painting is a slow process, please allow us a period of two months if the icon is not available on stock. The payment will be either by cash on delivery or personal check to the name of Anna Simova. The post charges are included in the price.

Catalogue of the icons

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