Please visit my Help Page
Please visit The Hunger Site!!
Characters Introduction Page!!
Hello all. I hope a lot of people are reading this. :) Or will read this. Please tell your friends about this page. I hope I can entertain and inspire you.
I'm Selena Millman. I love writing, music, drawing, making jewelry, friends (including making new ones!). I also dream of making a difference. I want to open people's eyes and touch their hearts!!
This my page is full of poetry and maybe other writing. All written by me. You can e-mail me at
Peace and love to you all! :)
Please visit my other links and come back soon and visit me. I hope you enjoy my site.
Links to other sites on the Web
About Me
Writing main page
Poems Index
Michael Jackson page
Help poems
Millman & Sutton jewelry
These are links to parts of my site. I hope you like what you see. Maybe after viewing this you'll see things a little differently than you do now.