ALANderson Meets "the Maestro" A.K.A.- Albert S. Beneechi; A Refugee

THIS is What's NEW with ALANderson- Movies.

This is the older ALANderson Movie Site;
See ALANderson Productions RealTime  here now....

Go See Tattoos Now!Get Your Tattoos Here!

the Alan F. Anderson Page!
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Tattoos... for everyone! Who is he? What could possibly make him ALMOST famous?

Check out Photos and Paintings by ALANderson ®

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Barbie want's to say "Merry Christmas"

Click here for text only version

Share the Vision of Ohio Mission Statement

To provide greater independence and enhanced quality of life to individuals who are visually impaired, through peer support, educational information and a sharing of personal experiences.

The theatre, baseball, and hockey- visit Paul Klien

This good artist is so starving... he's taken on a night job! MUST SEE!... his paintings are very original

This is a HUGE collection of jokes, but you must be at least 18 due to


 She's American! She's Italian! She's even from New York City!

Come meet "Road Runner"; SEE her very first Page! MEET her very own loved ones! FEEL how it is to be a bright star in the sky!She's a gal named Vinnie...
A Full Blown view from (and of) my last apartment in Ugly West Seattle.

At least I OWN my Condo now! (Look Inside Here)

View Current Weather in Seattle Washington USA

ESP... graphic artist
The Illuminati

Freak Out!
The REAL Guru of the Freaks, Mothers, and Invention

Al's ArtSome photos and paintings by myself (I'm Almost Famous!)
The Doctor Is In!No Waiting! get your head shrunk here! FREE
(I'm Almost Famous!)
Some Art Works by famous persons...

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alanderson, art, paintings, movies, Beneechi, realplayer, fun, goofy, artist, edits, directions, homemade, bush fear, doodle-flix, seattle, usa, columbus, refugees, sanity, insanity, Krazy, nirvana, kamasutra, pigs, good sams