My name is Bennie Edward Richardson IV, but most people call me Benjie. I am a 34 year old actor in Webster, TX, which is south east of Houston. I have lived in this area for almost 29 years now and I love it. I have a great facination with the arts, classical music, romance, fantasy, the Texas Rennaisance Festival, and, of course, computers. I am an avid reader and well rounded philosopher. My favorite authors are J.R.R. Tolkien (hence the name of this page) and Isaac Asimov. I have studied statistical mathematics and I am well versed in all the sciences. I have been training in the martial arts for 23 years now and I'm a 5th degree black belt. I am a warrior, a poet, a teacher, and a guardian. My family is about half English and half German. I enjoy hanging out with friends and talking the night away. I am a very gentle soul and despise those who would use violence to gain what they perceive as necessary. I love watching movies both at home and the theater. I play Dungeons and Dragons, and if you're interested in discussing it with other people, feel free to join my group by clicking the link below.
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