Hize there! Due to many requests for pictures, we have decided scan in some of the photos for your enjoyment. We hope you have fun looking out for that familiar face!! Enjoy!! The download time isn't as long as before now, but you'll haf to bear with pictures of slightly less quality and size!

Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger version.

The Band Photo
Nearly all of us in it.

The Clarinets Section
(without Shihua..*sniff*)

Our Sec 4s
Note what Ann Chyi and Esther are doing...

Our Sec4s after SYF
After Comp..the sweet taste of victory...

Our Sec3s after SYF

The Sec2s after comp
Say "GOLD!!!!!"

At Presentation
Yes, the REAL expensive photo..

Closer Look at Presentation

Presentation again..

Getting the Gold
Need we say more?? *grinz*

At Spiritoso

Esther's and Mun Yee's GodFamily

From left, Shihua, Nicola, Esther, Mun Yee, Run'er, and Yuwen.

Frodine's GodFamily

From left, Jiajing, Melissa and Frodine.

Jacqueline's GodFamily

From left, Wenqi, Jacqueline and Sophy.

AnnChyi's GodFamily

From left, Ann Chyi, Elaine, Jacquelin.

At the NTU performance
Tisha, Yolyn and Jeanette

>Esther and AnnChyi

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