to the
E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Not intended as a commercial enterprise,
the E-Museum is a unique cultural resource
designed to bring pyrographic art
to artists, specialists, collectors and connoisseurs,
and all who appreciate this art.
Find here references and cross-references for
works of art in pyrography
pyrographic tools,
books on pyrography and related topics,
sources for classes and instruction,
and networking for pyrographic artists around the world.
The E-Museum floor plan is projected below as an image to orient you in the scope of the project and guide you through our monument to pyrographic art that on January 1st, 2009, will celebrate its eleventh anniversary on the internet.
In the Directory that follows the floor plan, note that only those items with links are presently available. Many more, however, are already in the "archives" of the E-Museum waiting to be placed on display. Others are plans for the future, contingent upon the willing participation of pyrographers and collectors from around the world invited to become a part of this project.
E-Museum of Pyrographic Art

You are here.
Please begin your visit at the Information Desk
for a Directory to the exhibits.
Your comments and questions are most welcome and appreciated.
Please e-mail Curator
©1997, 2007, 2008 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez
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