Beloved B'Elanna
   -- began April-May '97, completed November '97, I believe. The first series I ever wrote--and the one everyone seems to love. :) The link leads you to the Beloved main page.

Whispers in Blindness
   -- began May '97, completed August '98. Co-written with Laci Torres. The "B'Elanna goes blind" series. The link leads to her P/T fanfic page.

Lyric trilogies
   -- This began as "Snowy Kessik Mornings", based off of Tori Amos' "Winter". Now I have two separate trilogies--however, only the first story in each is P/T. The second is Carey/Wildman, the third J/C.

The Parisite-P/T fans series
   -- Warning!! VERY incomplete and out of order. A series where in each story, a friend of mine is put into the Trek universe and somehow directly or indirectly, interacts with P/T, has a significant role in getting them together, or rescuing one of them, etc. Hopefully, Kirsten's story will be completed soon--then I can get them back in order. I wish!! :)

Jealous Intentions
   -- Written July '97. I look back on this one and roll my eyes. Talk about lame. (Of course, that's my personal opinion--others have told me they loved it, but anyway, read it if you want)

The Visitor
Lost Hope

Classical Music
   -- Began late '97, completed March(?) '98. As we all know, our favorite 24th century hunk has a fascination with the 20th century. B'Elanna discovers by accident his "classical" music collection and things simply develop from there.... :)

To the Delta Quadrant and Back
Forever my B'Elanna
This Wayward Heart
The Eyes of Love
A Chance Worth Taking
From this Moment On

The separate stories:

   -- Written May '97. A "Before and After" alternate scenario. RDM did the "remembering B'Elanna" thing so well--I had to write it as if it actually happened. One of my better works.

The Prophecy
   -- Written summer '97. This is my favorite of my own works. While at a fair with his family, sixteen-year-old Tom is approached by a fortune teller. What she reveals might someday be reality....

"Dreadnought" epilogue
   -- Written June '97 after viewing "Dreadnought". Just a little something extra--one of those post-ep fragments.

"Love, B'Elanna"
   -- Written mid-August '97. A very short piece I whipped up one night. Sappy, sappy, sappy. I warned you.

Love and Honor
   -- Written right after DOH aired. Every good P/T author has to have one of these! :)

   -- Written October '97. Co-written with my cyber-sis Amy Bitter aka the Borg Queen. I said to Amy "why don't we write a story together?" She said "okay, let's write a Halloween story!" I said "great idea. But how is Tom possibly going to convince B'Elanna to wear a costume??" Wanna know? Read to find out!

Forgive and Forget
   -- Written November '97, I believe, back in the days when "Message in a Bottle" and "Hunters" were rumors. The crew sends letters to home--but not everyone gets an answer to theirs.

An Nollaig na Grá
   -- Written December '97. The title is Gaelic for "Christmas of Love". A Christmas story--needless to say--the translation gives it away. :)

   -- Written March '98. Just a little piece based off PJs' poem by the same title. Paris angst--a rare thing for me.

   -- Written April '98. I issued a "dialogue only" story challenge to P/T Fever. And of course, I had to take my own challenge. I'll let you guess what it's about. :)

Ship of Dreams
   -- Completed May '98. Co-written with Lauren Taylor. A Titanic/Voyager crossover. Tom and B'Elanna end up on Titanic. How can they keep their cover without destroying history?

Dark Surroundings
   -- Written June '98. Answer to the P/T Collective Loony Archivist's challenge--"why is Tom so claustrophobic?" Well, here's my guess--kinda comes from personal experience. :)

The Highwayman
   -- Written late August '98. Part of the soon-coming "Soulmates" series co-written with Lauren Taylor (currently being written out of order). Based off the poem by Alfred Noyes, also inspired by the Loreena McKennitt song version. Warning - major depressant. Kleenex warning.

As Long As You Love Me
   -- Completed December '98. "Vis a Vis" coda. Steth's words bring back memories B'Elanna would sooner leave buried.

© 1997 Cheile

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