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Published: 2005
ISBN 0-9665261-2-0
Available: On Demand
The Unveiled Secrets of Primary Substance
The current situation in Fundamental Science (Physical or Biological) is admittedly chaotic and confusing. Not one contemporary and officially accepted fundamental theory covers more than a small fraction of the total field of fundamental science. Life is considered to be a product (not necessary) in the evolution of inanimate nature. The present-day structure of physical thought is made up of a host of separate theoretical models, loosely related, and at many points actually conflicting. Quantum Mechanics is pure mathematics (very complicated); it contains a little amount of fundamental principles, and almost no philosophy. Except for some simple applications, contemporary Quantum Mechanics is wrong science. The Standard Model is based on the wrong idea of exchange or �virtual� particles (non existing in principle) in the process of interaction (from distance) between material particles. This is an absolutely wrong science. Einstein�s theories of relativity are wrong too � they don�t explain the fundamental essence of considered phenomena. Einstein�s main idea about Unified Field Theory and his famous �Principle of Separation� pushed the evolution of the Fundamental Science in the wrong direction for many decades. Einstein�s ideas are some of the most destructive ideas ever existing in science. Elementary Particles hypothesis � based on the wrong Standard Model � are chaotic and confusing. They are wrong. Cosmological hypothesis � based on the wrong idea about the �Big Bang� beginning of our universe � is also wrong. Contemporary Fundamental Science is now in a �Dead End� � it exhausted its mathematical possibilities for explaining the new discovered phenomena, its reservoir of basic scientific dogmas desperately needs general reform and renovation. You can ask me the question: Is there an already created General Theory of Everything? My answer is decisively �Yes�. General Quantum Mechanics is this Ultimate Fundamental Science.
Dear Reader, whatever you are � professional or laic � if you want to learn and understand the ultimate secrets of the world in which we live, secrets given to me by revelation from God, you must be willing to fight and overcome in yourself the demons of preconception, conceit, scientific pride, haughtiness, envy, and religious or national chauvinism. The science is given by God � through the revelations given to the scientific prophets � to all His children � human beings � for practical use and for satisfaction of one of the most important human features � the inborn curiosity to reveal the secrets of the surrounding world and our place in this world.
What is this website about?
Basically it is about going beyond the accepted realm of 'reality' by decoding patterns and symbols of worldly phenomena. Here, the physical world is viewed only as a subset of a greater matrix, a hidden configuration that gives rise to such things as synchronicities and symbolic patterns that we all encounter from time to time even without active interest.
The approach of Etemenanki essentially is to detect, analyze, and most importantly synthesize patterns, weaving them into a coherent tapestry forming a nice 'big picture'. Through symbolism Etemenanki finds and tracks an intricate 'dance', or 'orchestral' interaction, between patterns/symbols of today and those of the past, usually involving esoteric, prophetic, or mythological/religious traditions typically of ancient origin. In particular Etemenanki has come to emphasize semi-transcendental themes such as the Ark, Holy Grail, Great Flood, 'fallen angels', Atlantis, Mars, Osirian/Messianic resurrection, and such.
By processing and projecting the patterns forward, Etemenanki regularly attempts to 'decode' or at least narrow down future-event possibilities. Such 'projections' quite often prove to be effective and useful, as the reader will likely find out by following the site for a reasonable amount of time.
A new visitor will be tempted to put Etemenanki into some familiar category - which is fine. Chances are, however, that the realization will soon follow - that it's something different, something hard to categorize. Etemenanki may deal with subjects discussed elsewhere in the vastness of cyberspace, but here the information is processed on a very uniquely and aggressively 'multicontextual' level that set this one apart. (Better or worse - that's up to you to decide.)
Now, make no mistake, any idiot can do 'free association' just as anyone can bang on the keys of the piano. But that's a far cry from actually being able to make harmonious music out of it - be it musical instruments or conceptual associations/coincidences. Some people are just happy to go through or see a non-linear association process; some people see the non-linearity of the process and think it's all just free-association nonsense that excites only the intellectually weak; and then there are those who can detect and process a higher order of coherence that can come out of a certain non-linear, or multicontextual, thinking process. The Etemenanki website will naturally attract the first and the third types of people described, but is really designed for the third.
After 9/11, discussions on Etemenanki often centered around that momentous event, carrying profoundly symbolic and prophetic implications, which drastically changed the course of the world. Increasingly, however, the focus is shifting toward the future, and the emerging picture is quite grim. We are looking at some dark clouds ahead of us. Check out the Lucifer Time Code series and the Stargate Cipher 2012 series for recent findings on this developing situation. Other articles are listed here also.
Etemenanki is not afraid to, and sometimes does, deal with political issues, which should be considered natural given the major role of the US administration in the 'endgame' underway. Ignoring this would be like ignoring an elephant in the room. This has nothing to do with the site's political agenda or anything like that as Etemenanki actually has no active interest in politics per se and certainly no political agenda. Let it be known, however, that Etemenanki with its truth-seeking rational mind finds the current US administration appalling on a human level.
Finally, the best way to keep up with Etemenanki's stream of 'multicontextual' findings is to regularly monitor the update/blog section on the main page which is updated frequently.
Philosophical Position
Let's face it. The majority of the humans on this planet we call Earth are little more than monkeys with the ability to speak and do simple arithmetic. That is not to say that humans don't have the potential to become much more - and we do. But the system put in place for us reduces most humans to rats chasing a piece of cheese, just unwittingly running in circles, never achieving anything meaningful except temporarily satisfying hunger. By the time people are finished with public education, most are fully prepared to accept life as being about chasing the cheese. The system will have trained them well to act in certain ways and expect certain rewards, not unlike the circus animals.
Let's take it from the top. What we have as biological beings, first of all, is the instinctive desire to survive. Our freedom to choose between life and 'death' has thus been automatically taken away. This is the first and most fundamental limitation we face, and this is the first condition of being a biological life form. Individually, we are made to seek and consume food to sustain our bodies. As a race, we are programmed to crave and engage in sex to ensure the continuance of the species.
From these primary human needs arises the secondary desire for cohabitation, a society, which increases the chances of fulfilling the biologically-induced needs. This then gives rise to a 'system', which in turn leads to the establishment of laws and convention-driven behaviors/mentality. 'Fitting in' becomes an important underlying obligation for all members of the system because a system, as a form of machine, has to have all its parts working in harmony to function properly. And so the fundamental needs imposed upon us by nature/biology make conformity a high priority.
The important question, however, is 'Do we really like this situation'? Don't we all crave freedom and creativity as well - something that belonging to an external system inevitably diminishes?
So the United States and other democratic nations promote freedom. But isn't that a little schizophrenic? A system for freedom - it's pretty much an oxymoron. At the heart of a democratic system is election, or the idea of a 'government of the people, by the people, for the people'. In a basic sense, democracy is a system devised to ensure that the most popular views are implemented to keep as many people as possible happy or 'free'. But more bluntly put, democracy is majority rule. It is, in a way, an extension of the high-school type popularity contest. And the ultimate way to win the game, it can be deduced, is to make more babies so that there would be more of your kind, i.e. becoming the majority faction and gaining the right to decide what should be done. A silly game, is it not? It has very little, if at all, to do with truth.
The democratic (majority rule) system is based on 'the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time'. In other words, it has to do with probability. And everyone knows probability is just that; there are always deviations and exceptions. To put it another way, the fundamental problem with democracy is that it takes a shortcut in deciding what is right. Instead of utilizing pure logic (or 'quality'), democracy relies out of convenience on quantity.
Democracy is an effective system but it is by no means perfect. Perhaps it's the best system for a group of not-so-bright people; it can effectively carry a nation forward. But without true intelligence and understanding to go along with it, inevitably it all becomes hollow and susceptible to gross corruption and an eventual total collapse, not unlike the destruction of the World Trade Center twin towers.
Incidentally, the WTC twin towers were the most prominent symbol of capitalism, which goes hand in hand with democracy. The driving force of capitalism is the desire for profits. And here we see a clear case of putting 'cheese' in front of a mouse.
People want to survive, thus they want a system and they want it to work well. For the system to prosper, it needs its people feeding their energy and creativity into the system. Seemingly there should be no problem here since the people did want the system to exist in the first place. And yet there is a built-in problem - stemming from the fact that the desire for a societal system was an indirect one. The desire had arisen from biological needs that are imposed on physical beings.
If it can be agreed that people - as sentient beings - inherently seek and deserve freedom and creativity, then living in a system is ultimately a burden, something to be avoided if possible. So people's desire for a system is actually a superficial need based on the superficial impulse to survive. This then creates a situation where the system, virtually independent of the people, needs to motivate its unmotivated people to work for it so that the system may be sustained and thrive. And the system manages to accomplish this by exploiting humans' biologically programmed competitiveness and their programmed desire for physical pleasure. By setting up a 'game' with seductive rewards appealing to the pleasure-seeking human mind, the system successfully gets people start running in the mouse wheel, generating energy which is then fed into the system.
The danger here is the societal system turning into a virtual 'organism' with its own agenda that does not reflect the best interests of the people it is supposed to serve. Instead, the people begin to serve the system. And this 'mutiny' would take place quietly without the people's conscious detection as they would be too caught up in the 'game' to realize what is happening.
A similar 'game' gets played out in the political system of the US (and other countries). The system sets up two or more competing 'teams', designed to create balances and checks. In reality, what results from this is a dysfunctional government, the original intent and purpose forgotten. The 'game', originally meant to serve certain principles, transforms itself into a theater where the desire to win the superficial game supercedes the original goal.
I am not saying that the societal system championed by the US is any more flawed than the others. In fact, I would agree that it is the most successful and advanced system in existence today. But this does not cancel the fact that it is still a flawed system. It may work fine for a while, but any time truth/logic has been overridden by the force of convenience, ignorance, or intellectual laziness, its path automatically leads to the formation of a 'false picture' that has to collapse sooner or later from its own weight, along with the culture that depended on it.
And because of this, our society - and western civilization in general - is a 'time bomb' waiting to go off. To avoid this fate, there has to be an effort to weed out the 'bugs' out of the system and make it as honest to reason and truth as possible. This would be a difficult and frustrating endeavor for sure, but such is life and it is the only path to making real progress.
Unfortunately, the projected destruction of the 'false picture' seems to have already begun for our culture. The collapse of the WTC towers on September 11, 2001 could not be a more telling expression of this. The bubble of capitalism is now in its final hours. And, tellingly, preceding 9/11 was the sorry display of the state of the US democracy - i.e. the 2000 presidential election in which people's votes did not determine the victor. (George W. Bush was declared winner by the pathetic 'ruling' of the Republican-dominated US Supreme Court which basically said 'well, there should probably be a recount or something... but, oops, we're out of time, sorry... guess the dumb one will be in the office, but it's not really our decision, don't blame the messenger'.)
I often wonder if the US handled the election properly and followed the true spirit of democracy, 9-11-01 would have been just another ordinary day, in a karmic sense. There is certainly a sense that the beginning of the new millennium was/is designed to be the 'final test' period for the New World. Passing would mean being allowed to move on to the next phase; and failing would mean being allowed to self-destruct. At this time, it appears that the protective mechanism that had been in place has gone offline for the United States.
It should be noted that, at least on a conceptual level, the US has lost the integrity of its main pillars: democracy, justice, and capitalism. What's more, American citizens are slowly but surely losing their freedom and individual rights - a direct consequence of the terrorist events (i.e. 'fear' activating the blind survival instinct). But people can at least put their faith in the higher power. Err... no, wait. Oops, we have learned recently that the the Church people, the self-proclaimed representatives of God, are little more than homosexual pedophiles!
The United States, the leading world power, is methodically being dismantled. Perhaps this is the unavoidable fate of a nation that has placed the pursuit of happiness above the pursuit of truth.
At any rate, the point is this. The 21st century is a new era in which 'appearance' will collapse. It will be a time when 'truth' loses its patience. It is now time to wake up from our spiritual coma. It is time to recognize all the bullshit surrounding our lives for what it is. We have been 'played' by the game for so long. We allowed it because we have the tendency to climb down the spiritual and intellectual evolutionary ladder whenever given a chance. It is facilitated by the biological/physical aspect of our existence. It is something we have to constantly fight against. The 'enemy' is innately within us.
Do we want safety, comfort, and worldly pleasures, or do we want to know the truth? Are you one of those who are just happy to be in 'the Matrix' or are you angry as hell to be in this cage that reduces us to mere circus animals? Are you convinced that we humans are the greatest product of the universe, or are you frustrated out of your freaking mind that human knowledge is not moving forward much more quickly as it should thanks to those who unwittingly serving the 'system'? Are you satisfied to be in the role of a 'sinner' waiting to be 'saved', or are you sickened to your stomach by the idea of being reduced to a helpless monkey in need of kissing some supposed god's or his representatives' ass? Are you willing to be some illusory idol's bitch, or would you rather risk going to 'hell' so that there would at least be some shred of spirit left to be 'saved'? Are you so comfortable in the existing system that you don't want it to change, or are you more than willing to go through trying times of destruction/transition in order to get closer to the truth? Aren't you tired of pretending to be a stupid ape just so that you can 'fit in' when you know you can be much more? Don't you want to live in a place where true intelligence or knowledge is encouraged instead of ignorance, conformity, appearance, physicality, and majority opinion?
It's the beginning of the 21st century for god's sake. It's about time we - at least some of us - decided that we had just about enough of the bullshit that plagues mankind and the planet. The 'game' is stupid and it is getting old. It is about time that we stopped playing it. Some people/generations are chronically dumb and it is probably best that they be left alone. But for the rest of us, it is time to start thinking about marching into the next 'New World' and forming a mentality and community of the truth, by the truth, and for the truth. It is time to re-ignite the fire of imagination and creativity - the long-lost essence of who we are.
F**k survival of the fittest. F**k convention. F**k rules. F**k popularity. F**k happiness. F**k words. F**k money. F**k so-called religion. F**k academia. F**k specialization. F**k linearity. F**k evil. F**k good. F**k imitation. F**k limitation. F**k realism. F**k reality.
Truth - now this deserves respect.
Let me point out that symbolism, or allegory, is 'truer' than realism in that the former allows more possibilities (or interpretations). And more possibilities � implying greater freedom and less context-dependence � translate to a greater truth. Accordingly, it's been said that 'the more numerous the poetic meanings that could be concentrated in a sacred name, the greater was its power' (Robert Graves).
The Etemenanki website views reality from such an angle and offers transcontextual interpretations of world phenomena. It is an attempt to hack and decode the ultimate 'game' we call reality. The website does not claim to give you the truth necessarily, but it at least strives to do what the 'system' does not want done. The hope is that this will provoke some new thinking and new mentality out there.
May 9, '02 [Slightly revised Sept. 16, '03]
Not that I have given up on the human race, but it is desperately out of time. Are we able to overcome who we are in time and complete the gate of the god through which the two worlds unite? Is it the Hall of Records that we look for, or is it the Tomb of Osiris, or is it Atlantis, or is it that which awaits us on Mars, or is it the fire that resides in the heart? The Flood came, we fell to our knees - but somewhere over the rainbow was hope. And hope is all we have...
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from you and understand why you would propose and support a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. As you said "in the eyes of God marriage is based between a man a woman." I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination... End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev.21:20 states that I may ! not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle- room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
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